Sunday, January 3, 2010


Bonjour ...

This is my Blog, ...ahaha..nothing fancy ..i just write whatever goes thru my mind ...sometime in English , sometime in French ...i speak either good so ...i just type, if u ever read this and dont understand anything, its okay...cause i dont understand myself either...feel free to correct anything you want..good luck!

Despite the fact that the millennium will not end until December 31, 2010, millennium celebrations take place all over the world.

10 years ago I was in Granada, Spain celebrating with friends....that New Year Eve (Dec, 31, 1999) was just another excuse for Everyone in Spain to party , dance and drink on the streets .

Year 2000 went by pretty fast, everything seems pretty good, everyone is happy, besides the beginning of the Second know the Palestinian uprising against Israel in the Israeli-occupied territories: A Palestinian suicide bomber kills Israelis and Israel launches a series of retaliatory air and ground military strikes killing and destroy whatever is on their way....pfff, irrelevant huh! who cares anyway, its not in Europe or in America..and its the same o since the eighties!
Another irrelevant event: A Texan cowboy had won in a disputed votes( like in Africa) the USA presidency election.

By September 2001, i was horrified from Broadway, seeing the twin towers on fire from two airliners that just crashed into them. I was witnessing an event that killed almost 3000 people..I was shocked, so was the world! ( still wondering how the world was witnessing almost a million innocents dying in Rwanda years earlier without doing anything!!).

In those past ten years, so many things had happened : My friend Vladimir Putin became president of Russia(2000) , Slobodan Milosevic was arrested (2001), The Euro entered circulation, the crash of a Concorde (2001) was the beginning of the end of the safest and fastest passengers aircraft ever created .

In France, The extremist Lepen was almost elected president,(2002) , couple years later the uneasiness among youth and discrimination against immigrants will result in weeks riots in the same country . Ivory Coast starts their own civil war that will end 5 years later.

Oh yeah i forgot, The United States responded to the Sept 11 attacks by launching a War on terrorism in Afghanistan: then my two first news in 2000 ( the irrelevant ones in the first paragraph ) become relevant: The Texas Cowboy (Bush) running after the Donkey boy (Bin Laden) who s supposedly was standing for the Palestinians people cause.. 8 years later the horse will go back to his ranch without finding the donkey...u got it? While his ability to scare people was still popular, he launched an military invasion against Iraq although there was a global opposition to the war. What? did u say GLOBAL opposition? ? what do the whole World know about war anyway? Lets make people forget about the donkey we couldnt catch and do the Calf Roping:
We throw the rope around the calf s neck, run and restrain it ..easy! .. matter of seconds and mission will be accomplished.. but it looks like someone release a buffalo out there instead of the regular calf and 7 years later we still trying to tie it down. By the way we found the owner of the Calf, we tied him down even hung him, HOW ABOUT THAT?? Texas Style!

The reasons behind the installation of this democracy with armored tanks and war planes? hum, good question, maybe in Texas library i can find a book untitled "Fundamental principles of the democracy of Morals".

So in 2002 ..i was then living in a real Dutch city , Wassenaar. A suburb of Dan Hague, between Amsterdam and Rotterdam (45mn from Each) ..For all you ignorant, its in Holland or Netherlands or whatever u wanna call it but not its in Africa!.. Wassenaar and Dan Hague are very interesting cities, very nice but the people not really, very old school and conservatives , so different from the good vibe in Amsterdam or Rotterdam ..cities with no limits or boundaries and people are great! ......

In 2003 , im now in Äänekoski , 2 hours away from Helsinki...never seen that much snow in my whole life, crazy! not too far from the North pole but very good and down to earth people, looks like they have no problems at all! they just wanna drink and drink and goto Sauna!
Anyway the Texans is reelected in the USA in another controversial vote , The Tsunami will kill over 300 thousands people....Brenda Fassie passed away with her beautiful African voice, Yasser Arafath is gone as well. The US went on to kill innocents Iraqis, looking for Weapons ! oh well, im sure Sarah Palin will find them
By May, i moved back to Spain in Coruna.

In 2004, what happened? i forgot..oh yeah , i was in Aalst in Belguim, about 20 miles outside of Brussels...with the Flemish...they speak Flemish of course ..the city is okay, the chocolate is great, but the people not nice at all ( probably their Dutch origin! Aha! ) ..oh well , didnt do that much ....and probably nothing happened in the world.

With the 2005.... Im in Extramadura ( Spain) and...not fun at all !..oh well, with Hurricane Katrina, the world is talking more and more about Global warming, the Pope J Paul II is gone as well (not with the Hurricane tho..).

in 2006 nothing has changed, the innocent civilians are still dying in Darfur and no one really cares ...why should they? its in Africa!!...Neighboring country Kenya is hosting the UN climate change conference and as usual the white house s " Cowboy" opposes the " emission cap" !! of course we need to put a lot of fuel in all those war planes and tanks to look for Bin Laden!

An Inconvenient Truth
by Al Gore came out, about the danger of global warming.
Mel Gibson was drunken driving and realizes that freedom of speech stops where the Jews community starts..Ahaha..!!Welcome to America my friend..Jews are "lethal weapon100" two powerful...the truth is, One cannot generalize a bad statement!! Mel.

by June, "Fenchie" Zinedine Zidane Headbutted Italian "Materazzi"... in the soccer world cup least something FUN!

2007..Bulgaria and Romania became part of the European Union (OMG!) looks like 2 Africans countries to me,,(Aha)...The UN says bye to Koffi Annan to welcome Ki Moon... ...French people say no more smoking in public places..and Welcome " Stupid" Sarkhozi as president , Frenchie Tony Parker married a desperate housewife.......people discover they can now phone call, surf the net and listen to Ricky Martin with 1 device ..(Iphone)...AL gore gets the Nobel Prize...And another UN conference on Climate change in Bali.

Malta and Cyprus integrate the European Union in 2008 and the world plunges in a Big Economy Crisis...( both events are not related)....I dont care about crisis.. i ve been going thru personal financial crisis since i was born anyway .. so welcome to my world!...Madoff crooks all the riches motherF......and says " Sayonara" ( for all ya ignorants , it means "goodbye " in Japanese) ..oh yeah , i can speak it when i see beautiful Japaneses girls( sorry Etienne) !..Lehman Brothers "Sayonara" as well.

And... the Beijing Summer Olympic games says "Konnichiwa"" means Hello!!...oh nooo..Beijing is China..too bad! ..Anyway, U have to love Usain Bolt! he is faster than his own shadow..Flashy and Flamboyant, how about the Acher gesture? Priiiiceless! ..there was another guy who swims and won 7 golds..i forgot his name..he s not flashy and smokes too much!!...
The Last but not least ...The best political event i ever witnessed , from Kenya(aha!) ...BARACK OBAMA! i was too young and the internet was still at early stage for NELSON Mandela event ...but this 2008 event says a lot about the people in the USA and was a teachable moment for Europeans and the whole world.

2009? who cares? oh well ..Obama Swore in(Waow) ! ...The crisis still here..but Big Year for Climate Change , HOME was released globally and hits big. (u have to see on youtube).... Annual conference in Roma on the World HUNGER problem, that is ONE thing that really hurts me..i loose sleep just thinking that every 6 seconds a little boy dies because he is hungry!!!! By the time i finish writing my sentence couple kids already died, it brings tears to my eyes. Its a problem which concerns us all.. (

Silvio Burlusconi ( Italian Prime Minister) got a sex scandal going on ...this guy is the biggest Italian Pimp ever just like Tiger Wood! i think they r Brothers! ..The Copenhagen conference on climate reaches a " deadlock" .......Suzane Boyle is the new Madonna in England...Michael Jackson left too soon to see the jubilation in RIO de Janeiro after winning the 2016 Olympics bid.....

My three favorites songs of this decade are from three legends gone too soon in this past decade ! more than just music , their talents, songs and causes transcend races, religions... you ll love the songs...

_ They dont really care about us (Michael Jackson) USA
_ Vulindleda ( Brenda Fassie) South African
_ Pata Pata ( Miriam Makeba) South African

Happy 2010..Luv always!



  1. Wow!! That's a great overview of a decade some will deem a lost any happy to see BULGARIA!!! (ok, and Romania) mentioned in this roster of BIG EVENTS!!!! Yes indeed! (But if they are's still too cold there - global warming hasn't reached!!! ALthough I'm sure China and some other biggies will make sure of that...unless WE do something about it!!!).

    Thanks for sharing the music of South Africa - awesome! You should have a music blog, too! And how about sports and cars?? :)

    Happy New Year Ous - or should I say, the future President of Africa?

  2. I took my time to read what you wrote about Ous, man, let me say kudos to you my brother!
